New print out and why this one is important to me
The print "A sketch a day keeps depression away" is out today. It is screenprinted and has a special story. Let me tell you.
Dear friends,
Today, I am really happy and proud to share with you my new print: “A sketch a day keeps depression away”. This is my first handmade print I put on sale. I did 100% of the process for that print. I did create the lettering of course, I did insolate the screens in a dark room, and printed everything at the atelier.
It is now available on my website just for you. And as you are a subscriber to my newsletter, you get 10% off with the code newsletter10. As the quantity is limited, I won’t communicate about it on social medias before Monday, so you have some time to think about it. That is another benefit of being a subscriber :)
It is printed in 2 gradients and is available in 8 copies of each gradient. Here are some pictures of the process and the final artwork if you did not see them already online:
The story behind it
I made several challenges online, whether the 100 days of lettering, the 36 days of type or right now the 30 days of fonts challenge. Each is by itself a challenge even to start! But each time it has brought joy and confidence. Drawing each day, for minimum 30 days for example, helps you to focus, to find ideas, to explore. Each day you go a bit further in your practice. And I would not be here today if I did not do these challenges, especially the 100 days of lettering ones. I talked and even did conferences about the benefits of doing these challenges, but I keep coming back to them when I feel depressed or frustrated.
I know that practicing each day brings me hope and positivity.
I does not need to be something to complex. You don’t need to publish if you don’t feel like it. But doing it, maybe having a sheet where you cross each day you practice, can take you to unknown horizons, somewhere you never thought you would go with your work. It is that strong because your brain gets trained to that practice each day and it makes it easier to have new ideas. During the practice itself but also outside of it. Your brain is more aware.
So I wanted to create that visual just to remind me to practice when I don’t feel good. Then, I just disconnect, take a sketchbook and see what comes out. And that’s ok if it is not good, at least I did something. I got out of my confort zone.
This print is here as a reminder for you too. You can hang it in your office/atelier so you see it regularly and remember to draw when times are more difficult. Just don’t forget to have a piece of paper or a sketchbook and a pencil with you. And believe me, this is a life changer.
Again, the print is available if you feel like it :) The price is set to 39€. I understand this can be a budget for some of you but it is a long process and screen printed with great water based ink on Fabriano Mixed Media 250g/m2 paper. I also take a part of post costs for people leaving overseas :)
Some inspiration for the weekend?
Before letting you go, I would like to share with you some good Instagram accounts I discovered lately, whether it is or not type related.
This is a Signs account and this is really good because of the geometry of signs but of course also the type used on them. Some are really simple but can give you ideas on how to mix fonts and colors for example.
You know I love 50s to 70s movies or cartoons and Looney Tunes or Hanna Barbera are my favourites. And it may sound bizarre but I’ve always been amazed and attracted by their backgrounds/Decor. If I could have worked in the cartoon industry, I would have drawn backgrounds (maybe because I suck at drawing characters haha).
I discovered the account of Charlie Wagers really lately and fell in love with his illustration style, especially that mix with texture and beautiful colour palettes. You should definitely follow him!
Ok, that is all for today :) Now I am going to disconnect and try to print something new and cool. This is also why to launch my first handmade print is important. I wanted to do it for some time and it was in my plan when I stopped doing client work: offering people a motivating poster printed with my hands. I made it now and I am proud of it. Now time for the next one!
Enjoy the weekend and see you next week.
Take care,