Apr 6Liked by Francis Chouquet

Hi Francis and happy 50!😊

Regarding Workshop: The artist in me thinks it sucks that artists have to think more about marketing than about making their art. On the other hand, as someone with quite some marketing knowledge, I can't unsee the unused potential in your offer. You have a huge following compared to a lot of your colleagues, your work is GREAT, and you DO have a lot of value to offer, and... I think you're not addressing it right, actually to me it looks like you're not addressing it at all.

As an (aware) consumer who also knows how these things work, the real reason I didn’t pick your workshop, because it didn’t speak to me among all the other offerings – What is it exactly? What problem will it solve for me? What will it give me that I need and want? Is it for me at all? For WHO is it and what exactly?

And this, having in mind that I am both: 1. Someone that spends more on online courses than I like to admit🙈 and 2. BIG fan of your work… – theoretically I would be exactly your ideal customer. Among almost 50 thousand other people, big chance I’m not alone! 😜 I think I have some ideas worth brainstorming/trying about how to try to communicate your teaching to the different people so they hear you, but I really don't want to write 2 hours if you're not interested, so let me know if I should at all. Just fyi I would be glad to :)

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Apr 5Liked by Francis Chouquet

Happy birthday! I have been reading for quite some time, and from your writing style I thought you were like maybe five years older than me, so around 38! Not that 50 is old of course, but the way you write feels young and relaxed!

Regarding the course that’s not selling, being on the other end of this thing, so a potential student, being a graphic designer and letterer, I feel like the market is so saturated right now and I am being bombarded daily by so many courses/webinars/workshops, that I am almost sick of it. Firstly, I have paid my fair share of workshops, so now I feel like another course will not make a huge difference, unless I sit down and practice daily. Paying each time a 100+ € course just doesn’t cut it for me. I feel like I have paid around 2.500 that past three years for online courses.

I don’t know if that’s the case with every possible student, but 4-5 years ago there weren’t as many courses, and now there are some designers who’ve made a whole side business out of teaching, which is cool for them, but how many courses can a person pay online? I am not saying I might not buy another course at some point in the future, but right now I’m taking a pause, because on some level I feel a bit exploited and not receiving so much from yet another course. (Even on domestika not all courses are worth their money, but there with all the discounts you’ll have paid 6-7€, so it’s fine.) Of course I am not saying that your workshop wouldn’t be worth it, don’t take me wrong! I’m just offering another perspective here :) Hope it does sell eventually, because I like seeing your work!

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Apr 5Liked by Francis Chouquet

Hello Francis !

Bon anniversaire :)

Je suis tes newsletters depuis pas mal de temps. Bien que je ne pratique plus pour pleins de raisons, je suis toujours très enthousiaste pour te lire et découvrir autant la partie blog que les inspirations.

Concernant le workshop, je pense que le contexte actuel n'aide évidemment pas. On a tendance à éliminer le superflu, ou ce qu'on croit l'être. On bloque aussi les investissements. C'est bien sûr multi-factoriels. Je trouve que ça reste toujours un prix super abordable pour une formation pro.

Bon courage pour la suite de l'aventure !

J'espère qu'on aura l'occasion de se recroiser un jour

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Apr 5Liked by Francis Chouquet

Happy belated birthday Francis!

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I agree with Nocky’s post below about pre-recorded versus real-time online workshops. For a 6.5 hour interactive workshop, your pricing seems fair and good value. But for me it’s the time commitment (all concentrated in a single day, and not being able to go at my own pace) that makes me hesitate. But on the flip-side, with pre-recorded, you gain some convenience but lose the interactivity.

I just joined your Substack, and I’m unaware of other workshops you’ve done outside of your Domestika Course (which is where I discovered you for the first time!)… But have you ever experimented with a teaching model that is still interactive but spread out over time a bit more? For example, three 2 hour sessions over three consecutive Saturdays.

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Happy very belated birthday !

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Happy belated birthday. About the workshop, I voted for "Else" because I have young kids now so in-person online workshops rarely work for me now. I prefer pre-recorded ones and learn at my own pace.

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I voted "else" -- not sure if it would be useful for me, a beginner; and also, other online lettering courses haven't explained to me how to select digital pens and brushes that will achieve anything like analog results. And third...I came here from a Threads post (from Wetterschneider), and I haven't seen the actual pitch for your course yet. I think I should have looked for that before voting in the poll.

But those are the things I want to know about any course before shelling out the dough and the time. I hope that helps.

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