Thank you Francis for sharing this. It will surely inspire me for the coming months! 😎

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My pleasure my friend :)

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Hello, I read the whole page, it is very impactful. I appreciate your vulnerability and sharing your story with me. But at the end you ask me to pay for a subscription. I don't understand why, after you tell me how important it was to remove subscriptions from you own life. If I learn anything from your post, it is that I need to reduce my subscriptions. Therefor I am sorry I do not feel good about you asking me to pay for premium. Thank you so much for your time and for sharing your journey and all of your words.

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Hi Carolyn, thanks for your comment. I understand your point. When I say remove subscriptions, Ictalk about things that you don’t have a use of, or that don’t have a real meaning to you. I did not delete all subscriptions I had and I support a few newsletters here on Substack for example. Because I think it is also important to support friends in their journey and also because they bring me inspiration and ideas. I don’t ask you to disconnect totally but just concentrate to focus on what it is important. And there are people who think it is good for them to support me for many reasons. And I totally understand if you don’t want to subscribe but again, please don’t delete subscriptions from stuff that helps you or make you happy. I still read a lot of books, I buy lots of books. I could save a lot of money here too. But I need them, I love reading and I also to support writers :)

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support your heros;-)! ...I'm a new subscriber since your last newsletter. keep up the good work! see you....

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Thank you Laila <3

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It's such an inspiring post. Thanks for sharing your journey, ups-and-downs and the next steps 🙌

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